Research Partnership

Dads Group has partnered with the University of Sunshine Coast to validate and better refine the model of Dads Groups. The project is being led by USC researchers Dr Ben Lane, Mary Gregory and Dr Nicholas Stevens along with our own Dads Group CEO, Thomas Docking. 


The purpose is to gain insight into the needs and challenges of new parents and understand how dads’ groups and events might best support new fathers.

Dr. Ben Lane / University Sunshine Coast

The model that the team are working on identifies how progress towards Dads Groups overall vision can be measured, for example, by the quality of relationships, improved parenting competence, enjoyment and fun, and societal outcomes, such as improved mental health, reduced isolation, and cultural change around equitable parenting.

Our research investigates how to foster cultural change around the role of new dads.

From there, the project will look at how these functions also foster cultural change about the role of new dads – all ultimately contributing to the vision of supporting new fathers, mothers, families and of course children.


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