Congratulations on completing the Dads Group Leader training and onboarding course

You’ve taken the first step toward creating a vibrant and supportive Dads Group in your local area. Your next step is to book for our next DadConnect Session on a Thursday where you will meet new and existing members of the DG team.

Once you have attended this session, we will sed you a resource pack to help you get started, run you through some final details, set up your local Dads Group Facebook page, and welcome you to our broader Dads Group Leaders Facebook page where you can introduce yourself and connect with other leaders.

In the meantime, you can continue brainstorming some practicalities for your group - who, when and where - and familiarise yourself with our ‘Get Support’ tab on the website.

We look forward to supporting you on this exciting journey of fostering positive connections among fathers in your community!